Pleasant Afternoon Can Result in Charges of DUI
Sunday afternoons in the summer invite one to venture outdoors, enjoy the pleasant weather, spend time with friends and perhaps have a few drinks. A woman possibly returning home from one such afternoon in Tennessee may have been unaware of how alcohol she had consumed impaired her ability to drive. An accident resulted in the woman being charged with DUI.
The accident occurred on I-26 eastbound when a driver failed to negotiate a curve. The driver lost control of the car as she attempted to navigate the curve. The car ended up on the side of the road where it came to a stop against a cable barrier. Debris from the collision flew up and hit another vehicle that was traveling west.
The driver of the second vehicle was not injured. The extent of the damage to the second vehicle was not known. The woman facing DUI charges suffered injuries that were not believed to be life-threatening. She was transported to Johnson City Medical Center for treatment.
Being arrested and charged with DUI can be very unsettling, perhaps more so if it is one’s first drunk driving charge and the individual is unfamiliar with criminal proceedings. Being charged with DUI can have negative implications for one’s future in Tennessee and can cause one to possibly do or say things that may be inadvisable at the time. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney can advise a client of one’s rights and legal options. A lawyer can work to ensure that all applicable legal rights are protected and that one is apprised of all options to help protect one’s future.